One of the hot topic issues in today's society is that of Same Sex Marriage. It seams as though everyone is passionately involved whether for or against. I remember my first exposure to the whole issue when my mother said that we would be holding signs in support of California's Proposition 8. I had a fun time with almost everyone from my church showing up and helping as well. However I did not know the full extent of what were supporting, I just knew that I was able to hang out with my friends. I didn't understand why there were those who were shouting at us in anger. Though I did not understand then I feel that I have been able to gain a better understanding of both sides now. Traditionally, marriage is a coming together of man and woman, into a contract which originates from our Father in Heaven. Over time the different governing bodies of the world have attached other significance's to marriage than simply a holy union. Now I don't know anyone who gets married just for taxation purposes but it's definitely a nice side benefit.
In my opinion and at least in my case most who oppose same sex marriage do not have a hate for the individual who has found themselves in this situation. Instead they have a moral opposition to the lifestyle in place. In talking with my husband I have found myself really conflicted in writing this post. Morally I find that my values have taught me to not condone the homosexual lifestyle. We have been counseled by our leaders to "stand as defenders of marriage" Which we are taught is between a Man and a Woman. Yet I understand the turmoil that comes from uncertainty. To often in my life I like to play Devils Advocate so that I can better understand the opposing view. I understand the Supreme Court's position when they state, "The Constitution, however, does not permit the State to bar same-sex couples from marriage on the same terms as accorded to couples of the opposite sex."
Ultimately I will allow others to exercise their individual agency to choose the lifestyle that they feel is best for them. However I will use my agency in a way that will help me to keep my morals and strive to raise my children in a world or morals even if they are dwindling away in today's society. It is important to remember that each individual will use their agency to the best of their ability, no matter if that is the path well worn or that less traveled.
(This was prompted by my readings of the following:
-The religious freedom implications of the Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage in Obergefell V. Hodges
I probably paraphrased quite a bit, so I hope to go through later and and properly cite things. Until then, you know at least the general area where I got the information from)
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