Saturday, March 28, 2020

Then Comes a Baby

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage. At least that’s how the nursery rhyme goes. But what changes come along with that baby carriage? It can start with the sleepless nights and taking a lot of naps during the day. And a lot of couples can find themselves focusing on their children and helping them to learn and grow with each passing day. Unfortunately, a lot of couples find that after the children have left the house that their relationship isn’t how they remember it. This is usually because they have been focusing so much on their children that they have not had time to do things as a couple. How sad to spend at least 18 years together only to find out that you no longer know who your spouse is or what things they like to do.
While having children is absolutely a great blessing you still need to take time as a couple to work on your relationship each week. This does not have to be something large and elaborate. But, if you take at least an hour a week to really work on your relationship with your spouse your marriage and children will be blessed.
Another thing that you need to do when it comes to parenting is making sure that you are a united front. That means not throwing you spouse under the bus when your children start pressuring you to do things. If Dad said no then Mom needs to as well. Try your best to stand by each other’s parenting choices. If you don’t agree with what your spouse is doing take them aside and discuss it privately so that your kids don’t try to play off of both of you.
Lastly when you have children it is important to hold family councils, especially as they get older. Let your children have their own voice when it comes to making decisions, particularly when those decisions affect their lives as well. When everyone has an equal say in things there is less resentment and more peace in the home because everyone understands why certain decisions were made.

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